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Lutze Housebarn 'Workdays' have begun April 22nd, hope to see you there/here!ContactUs


Contact Information

920-693-8525 General Information
920-693-3141 Lutze Housebarn Restoration Director
920-693-3454 Tours Coordinator
920-547-4373 Restoration Director

Organization and Membership Postal Address
1030 Beech St
Cleveland, WI 53015
Lutze Housebarn Address
13630 South Union Road
       Newton, WI 53063  USA

(for the following addresses please replace the (at) with an '@' symbol and you'll be all set)
CSI President: Chris Kuehnel
          chris.k (at) centrevillesettlement.com
CSI Vice-President: Richard Lutze
    richard.lutze4145 (at) gmail.com
Bookkeeper: Greg Zahn
    gregzahn (at) zahndesign.net
General Information and Acting Secretary: 
     Kathy Pearce - kpear2002 (at) yahoo.com
Volunteer Coordinator: Open, interested?
Community Historian: Richard Otto Wiegand -
Lutze Housebarn Restoration Director and CSI President:
     Chris Kuehnel - chris.k (at) centrevillesettlement.com
Tours Coordinator: Sarah Lutze - sdlutze823 (at) gmail.com

All information in this web site is Copyright 2003-2024, and may not be reproduced without the express written consent of Centreville Settlement, Inc..
Newsletter and Flier Downloads and their pictures may be printed for your individual non-commercial and non-profit use.
Last major update: May 2, 2024  Please send email to webmaster (at) centrevillesettlement.com with any questions or comments about the web site.